Opening Hours

Monday: 8am - 7:30pm

Tuesday: 8am - 7:30pm

Wednesday: 8am - 12pm

Thursday: 8am - 5pm

Friday: 8am - 12pm

Saturday: 8am - 12pm

Sunday: Closed

Opening Hours

Monday: 8am - 4pm

Tuesday: 8am - 4pm

Wednesday: 2pm - 7:30pm

Thursday: 8am - 4pm

Friday: 2pm - 7:30pm

Saturday: 8am - 12pm

Sunday: Closed

General Check-ups

Getting your teeth checked achieves two things.

  1. It prevents small defects from developing into large ones by restoring it earlier.
  2. Scaling of teeth on a regular basis keeps your gums healthy and prevents bone-loss as we age.

By having regular check-ups, we will educate you on how you, personally can best look after your own teeth.

We use digital x-rays to reinforce any clinical findings and prevent further decay by instructing you on how to best look after your teeth.